A downloadable game

A Multiplayer (versus) First Person Tower Defence written in C# using Unity and the Mirror networking solution. It was designed from the beginning to have VR integration, although this took a backseat during development.

Has two Tower types and one Unit type, both defending and attacking are managed by the Players using a team shared resource.


  • WASD to move
  • Space to jump
  • Mouse to look around
  • Scroll Wheel to change item
  • Left Click to build/interact with UI
  • Right Click (Hold) to bring the Tower Builder into focus
  • Scroll Wheel whilst the Tower Builder is in focus to change tower
  • Escape to bring up the Pause Menu

Tablet SFX created by Simon Puttock.


KS-FPMPTowerDefence-v0.2.zip 31 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract the Zip File. Run "FPMPTowerDefence.exe".